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Select and pay your flight:

(Please don’t process with the payment before our confirmation)

самолет красныйRed route
219€ (5599 CZK)
самолет синийBlue route
347€ (8990 CZK)
самолет зеленыйGreen route
467€ (11990 CZK)
высший пилотажAerobatic flight

314€ (7990 CZK)

курсант летногоPilot for one day
239€ (6,090 CZK)
vip_carTransfer from Prague
39.99€ (990 CZK)
цветы прагаFlowers (can vary from the picture)

34.99€ (950CZK)

Wine / Sparkling wine & Chocolate

29.99€ (800 CZK)

предложение рукиBanner with proposal on the ground

19.99€ (540 CZK)

Click here for discount